Introduction from the Chair
Dear Candidate,
Thank you for your interest in the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK. Commissioners aim to select the very best from thousands of scholarship applications; develop our strategy and mission to maximise the development impact of our alumni and the soft power of the scheme; and of course, carefully manage our annual funding from the UK Government.
Commissioners are encouraged to take an individual lead on key topics and aspects of our work.
It is important that our Commissioners have empathy for and an understanding of our Scholars and their circumstances. The CSC uses rigorous procedures to ensure that its programmes promote equity and inclusion, reward merit, and deliver widespread access, especially to those from disadvantaged backgrounds. The Commission is similarly keen to encourage applications for the Commissioner roles from people of diverse backgrounds. The CSC is committed to creating an inclusive working environment for people of all backgrounds.
Many of our applicants are studying in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Consequently, we would like to encourage applicants with expertise in STEM, or those who can confidently make judgements about STEM studies, including at doctoral level. We encourage, nevertheless, applications from all backgrounds.
I look forward to reading your application and send my best wishes.
Professor Robin Mason ORB - Chair of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK
Appointment description
Collective Functions
Commissioners have corporate responsibility for ensuring that the CSC fulfils the aims and objectives set by its sponsoring department, FCDO, and for promoting the efficient and effective use of staff and other resources. Commissioners are expected to:
- Ensure that individuals are selected for Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships on merit, and on the basis of clear criteria which reflect the objectives of FCDO and, where appropriate, other sponsoring departments.
- Ensure that all Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships are awarded under six development-related themes:
- Strengthening health systems and capacity
- Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship
- Strengthening global peace, security, and governance
- Strengthening resilience and response to crises
- Access, inclusion, and opportunity
- Science and technology for development
- Establish the overall strategic direction of the CSC within the policy and resources framework determined by FCDO
- Ensure that FCDO and other relevant funding bodies are kept informed of any changes which are likely to impact on the strategic direction of the CSC or on the attainability of its targets, and determine the steps needed to deal with such changes
- Ensure that any statutory or administrative requirements for the use of public funds are complied with; that the CSC operates within the limits of its statutory authority and any delegated authority agreed with FCDO, and in accordance with any other conditions relating to the use of public funds; and that, in reaching decisions, the CSC takes account of guidance issued by FCDO
- Ensure that mechanisms are in place to review regular financial information concerning the management of the CSC; and that the CSC has sufficient information to perform its functions and is able to provide positive assurance to FCDO that appropriate action has been taken on any concerns which it has expressed on the activities of the CSC
- Act in a way that promotes high standards of public finance, including the promotion of regularity, propriety, value for money and feasibility
- Demonstrate high standards of corporate governance at all times, including by using the audit committee to help them to address the key financial and other risks facing the CSC.
Individual Functions
In addition to the above, Commissioners are expected to contribute expertise and judgement, and to fulfil their role in a manner consistent with the standards expected of public office holders. They are expected to:
- Participate in CSC policymaking and strategy development, though participation in full Commission meetings (currently three half days per year)
- Contribute actively to at least one Commission Committee (currently finance, awards policy, evaluation and monitoring, and audit and risk management), and/or take on a ‘Lead Commissioner’ role, as agreed with the Chair
- Participate in the selection of award holders, through participation in selection panels (typically three to four days per year, plus five to nine days for reading and preparation time)
- Attend an initial briefing with the Chair and/or CSC Secretariat, and meet at least annually with the Chair as part of the CSC’s appraisal process
- Attend events with award holders and other stakeholders, such as the annual Connect and Collaborate and Farewell Events and other activities as part of the Scholar engagement programme
- Comment and contribute to CSC policy, and actively promote the work of the Commission, between formal meetings, as the opportunity arises and in accordance with their areas of expertise.
Commissioners are required to:
- Comply with the CSC Code of Conduct, and with relevant rules relating to the use of public funds and to conflict of interest
- Comply with the CSC’s policy on the acceptance and giving of gifts and hospitality, and other benefits
- Comply with all CSC Policies and Procedures and uphold best practice
- Act in good faith and in the best interests of the CSC at all times
- Commissioners must not misuse information gained in the course of their public service for personal gains or for political profit, nor seek to use the opportunity of public service to promote their private interests or those of connected persons or organisations.
Organisation description
Overview of the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission in the UK (CSC):
CSC is a non-departmental public body, responsible for delivering the UK’s contribution to the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan. It achieves this through awarding around 650 scholarships and fellowships for postgraduate study and professional development to Commonwealth citizens each year. The CSC receives grant-in-aid funding from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and most UK universities
Size and composition of the Commission:
15 Commissioners (including a Chair) drawn from a range of academic, development and private sector backgrounds.
Commission main roles:
- Selection of recipients for awards through selection committees
- Policy direction and oversight
- Monitoring effectiveness of awards
- Ensuring appropriate structures for governance and accountability
United Kingdom. The Commission’s Secretariat is based at the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) in London. Successful applicants should be resident in the United Kingdom and willing to travel to London (and occasionally elsewhere in the country) to attend Commission and other meetings and events in person.
Board composition
15 Commissioners (including a Chair) drawn from a range of academic, development and private sector backgrounds.
Commission main roles:
• Selection of recipients for awards through selection committees
• Policy direction and oversight
• Monitoring effectiveness of awards
• Ensuring appropriate structures for governance and accountability
Regulation of appointment
This post is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. For more information, please refer to the
Commissioner’s website