You may not have heard of the Veterinary Medicines
Directorate (VMD), but have you ever:
- eaten meat,
eggs, fish or honey
- drunk milk
- owned a pet or
- taken
If you said yes to any of the above, you are directly
affected by what the VMD does.
The VMD is the regulatory and policy lead body
responsible for issues concerning the authorisation, use, and manufacture of
veterinary medicines in the UK.
Our aim is to protect public health, animal health, and
the environment, and promote animal welfare by assuring the safety,
quality and effectiveness of veterinary medicines.
We support the Defra objectives on public and animal
health, the promotion of a sustainable, competitive and safe food supply chain,
and growing the rural economy. All statutory services are charged for at full
economic cost, representing a major component of our income.
We work in close collaboration with veterinary
professionals, livestock industry, and other public and private sector
stakeholders to implement the Government’s current 2019-2024 Antimicrobial
Resistance Strategy. This is part of the Government’s 20-year vison on
Antimicrobial Resistance, and we are also leading the veterinary side of the
development of the next 5-year action plan.
The VMD also leverages international collaboration
opportunities in the post-EU landscape to advance global regulations and joint
applications. As a sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measure, our residues
programme provides assurances about the safety of British produce to domestic
and international markets. We also have an active programme of supporting low
and middle-income countries improve their regulation of veterinary medicines.