Introduction from the Minister
Thank you for your interest in becoming an Ofqual Board member.
This government is committed to breaking down barriers to opportunity for every child and young person.
A high-quality qualifications system plays a significant role in opening doors and shaping lives of learners, whatever their backgrounds. For young people in key stages 4 and 5, the qualifications they choose determine most of what they are taught so they are critical in supporting a broad and balanced curriculum. Gaining qualifications enhances employability and skills, provide access to further and higher education, enable economic mobility and development of skills, improve confidence and self-esteem, and help to break down social barriers. We are committed to looking for progress over time towards improving the coherence and flexibility of qualification pathways. This is a key part of our plans to put education back at the forefront of national life.
As the independent regulator of general and vocational and technical qualifications, Ofqual is responsible for maintaining standards and promoting public confidence in exams and qualifications. We are looking to recruit at least three high calibre individuals to the Ofqual Board.
High and rising standards for every child and young person are at the heart of the government’s mission to break down barriers to opportunity and give every child the best life chances. The Curriculum and Assessment Review is looking to deliver an assessment system which captures the strengths of every child and young person and the breadth of curriculum, whilst maintaining the important role of examinations. Ofqual would play a pivotal role in enacting changes that may result from the review’s recommendations, placing an increasing importance on innovative thinking, insight and research and strategic change.
At the same time, Ofqual is working on critical areas, including its approach to regulating the use of artificial intelligence in the qualifications sector, improving the wider resilience of the system, and carefully considering the opportunities and risks of onscreen exams. These areas are important to enabling the reliability, validity and security of qualifications.
To lead this period of change, we have recently recruited a new Chief Regulator and Chair. We are now seeking to appoint high calibre Board members who can offer support and challenge to Ofqual’s executive. The Board members will be central to supporting executive decision making and providing strong strategic aims and standards. We are seeking applicants with significant experience and expertise to bring to Board discussions, who are committed to driving forward the work of the organisation.
Thank you for your interest and for taking the time to read this pack. If you have the skills and experience described below, I hope that you will apply. My Department is focused on equality of opportunity, and I am committed to ensuring that public appointments better represent the views of the communities they serve. I therefore particularly encourage applicants from under-represented groups, those based outside London and the South East, and applicants who have achieved success through non-traditional educational routes.
Catherine McKinnell MP, Minister for School Standards
Appointment description
The Ofqual Board is the legal authority responsible for the regulation of qualifications in England. It provides leadership and direction to Ofqual, setting strategic aims, values and standards.
The Board is the body charged with governing Ofqual's strategic direction. Board members collectively:
- work effectively with the Chair, Chief Regulator and Executive to establish the overall strategic direction for Ofqual
- monitor performance against agreed strategic objectives and targets
- ensure the Board operates within the limits of its statutory authority and in accordance with conditions relating to the use of public funds
- ensure high standards of corporate governance are observed at all times.
The Board has established 4 Committees and one Panel:
- Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
- People, Resources and Finance Committee
- Strategic Enforcement Committee
Additional Board sub-groups are set up as required.
The Board consists of the Chair, between 7 and 12 ordinary members and the Chief Regulator (Chief Executive). The Chief Regulator is responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation.
All Board members attend full Board meetings, and Board members are additionally on at least one of the Committees. The time commitment for the role is expected to be up to 20 days per year.
Board Strategy half or full days usually take place at least twice per year and are held in person either in Coventry or in London. The purpose of these meetings is to allow the Board to reflect more thoroughly on strategy and key issues and to develop its working practices.
The initial appointment will be for a period of up to three years, subject to performance. Candidates are expected to take up post from summer 2025.
The Secretary of State may recommend that the appointment be renewed at the end of the first period of office, subject to consistently good performance. There should therefore be no expectation of automatic reappointment.
Regulation of appointment
This post is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. For more information, please refer to the
Commissioner’s website