Introduction from the Minister
Thank you for your interest in this important role.
This government is committed to breaking down barriers to opportunity. Nowhere is this mission more vital than in our education and care settings. I want to ensure that each and every child and young person, whatever their background, receives the best life chances.
Ofsted is a non-ministerial government department and independent inspectorate with responsibility for inspection and regulation across a wide range of areas. The organisation is essential for ensuring the highest standards in education and care services across England.
Ofsted is entering a transformational period of reform, including implementing the outcomes of the Big Listen, introducing new report cards across its inspection remits, and responding to the recommendations of Dame Christine Gilbert’s Independent learning review.
Strong leadership is needed to navigate these challenges. We are therefore seeking to appoint an outstanding Chair with proven experience of working at the most senior levels in the public, voluntary or private sector. The new Chair will work closely with ministers, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector and board members to ensure Ofsted delivers on its priorities.
To ensure the strongest field of applicants, I would particularly encourage people from a diverse range of backgrounds to consider this role and the strengths that they could bring to it.
Thank you once again for your interest in this role. We look forward to hearing from you.
Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson
Appointment description
Ofsted’s work is central to the government’s mission to break down barriers to opportunity by securing high and rising standards across education, so that all children, young people and learners have the opportunity to achieve and thrive, whatever their background or circumstances.
The Secretary of State for Education is seeking a new Chair for Ofsted’s Non-Executive Board of Directors, to support and challenge Ofsted as it takes forward an important and widescale programme of reform to the way Ofsted operates and the way it delivers its inspection and regulatory activity.
The Chair will secure effective governance at this critical time, leading the Board as it discharges its statutory responsibilities to:
- determine strategic priorities for HMCI in connection with the performance of his functions;
- determine strategic objectives and targets relating to such priorities; and
- secure that HMCI’s functions are performed efficiently and effectively.
Ofsted have recently responded to the recommendations of Dame Christine Gilbert’s Independent learning review for
Ofsted Independent learning review for Ofsted by Dame Christine Gilbert. The review looked into elements including Ofsted’s communications, incident management, organisational structure and support, and governance. The new chair will be responsible for leading the Board in relation to implementing Ofsted’s response to this recommendation.
The Chair will also have particular responsibility for providing effective leadership, in partnership with Ofsted’s senior executive team, on matters such as:
- formulating the Board’s strategy for discharging its statutory duties;
- monitoring and challenging the strategic performance and reputation of the organisation as it undertakes a significant programme of internal transformation and reform to inspection and regulatory practice;
- ensuring that Ofsted delivers services in line with the targets and standards set by the Board and HMCI, and having regard to the Government’s overall policy priorities for education and care;
- encouraging high standards of propriety;
- representing the views of the Board internally within Ofsted;
- advising the Secretary of State for Education on the performance of HMCI, on behalf of the Board; and
- making recommendations to the Secretary of State for the appointment of new Board members/reappointments where required and providing for the induction, training, objective setting and assessment of individual Board members.
Organisation description
About Ofsted
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. It is a non-ministerial government department and independent inspectorate, with responsibility for carrying out inspection and regulation across a wide range of children’s education and social care areas, to help secure excellent outcomes for children and learners. It is a large, complex organisation working to improve the lives of children and learners. Ofsted collaborates and engages with multiple partners in government, local government and communities.
Ofsted is currently undergoing an ambitious reform programme in response to the Big Listen consultation
Hearing feedback, accepting criticism and building a better Ofsted: the response to the Big Listen - GOV.UK, which aims to ensure that the organisation is a modern, world-class inspectorate and regulator – fit for purpose, supporting the outcomes of children and learners, and trusted by stakeholders. Ofsted are committed to an open and transparent culture, fostering a culture of integrity, listening to challenge and taking action to change
Ofsted’s remit includes:
- Early years and childcare
- Children’s and family services
- Schools
- Further education and skills.
The delivery of Ofsted’s work is led by His Majesty’s Chief Inspector (HMCI), Sir Martyn Oliver. Ofsted’s statutory board, which includes a Chair, Members and HMCI, oversees the strategic direction of Ofsted and holds HMCI to account for the delivery of their objectives, as agreed with the Chair/Board.
Board meetings are held between 4 and 6 times a year. They usually take place in London but may also be held virtually; other events can be held in any of the regions.
For more information on Ofsted, visit
Regulation of appointment
This post is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. For more information, please refer to the
Commissioner’s website