The STFC supports research, innovation and skills in the
fields of particle physics, astronomy, nuclear physics and space science
through the award of funding to people and teams to pursue their researcher and
innovation ideas in the UK, and participation in major international
collaborations. It also designs, builds, operates and exploits world-leading,
large-scale research and innovation facilities in the UK on behalf of the
entire UK scientific community, regardless of discipline. STFC’s national laboratories
host a critical mass of expertise in key technologies including Artificial
intelligence (AI), supercomputing and quantum computing. In addition, STFC
manages the UK’s participation in, and relationship with, major international
facilities such as CERN, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and the European
Spallation Source (ESS). It’s Research and Innovation campuses help businesses
to thrive by promoting academic and industrial collaboration, encouraging
translation of research to market applications, and boosting skills in critical
areas of business need. This supports over 7,900 high-tech jobs and hosts
around 370 organisations.
The research and innovation that STFC’s work supports seeks
to understand the universe from the largest astronomical scales to the tiniest
constituents of matter, and yet it creates impact on a very tangible human
scale. From cancer treatment to airport security, high-tech jobs to
hydrogen-powered cars, energy generation to accident-scene emergency care;
STFC’s impact is felt within and beyond the UK in many aspects of daily life.
STFC’s large-scale scientific facilities provide support
for over 10,000 researchers per year from industry and the wider UKRI
scientific community. The facilities provide a range of research techniques
using neutrons, muons, lasers and X-rays, high-performance computing and
complex analysis of large data sets. They are used by scientists across a huge
variety of science disciplines ranging from the physical and heritage sciences
to medicine, biosciences, the environment, energy, and more. These facilities provide
a massive productivity boost for UK science, as well as unique capabilities for
UK industry.
For 2023/2024, the STFC’s budget is ca. £900 million, and
it directly employs around 3,000 staff. STFC operates over £2 billion of
investment in major research infrastructure and is delivering an investment
portfolio of over £1 billion in ongoing and new construction projects. STFC
supports around 2,000 early career scientists at universities (PhD students,
postdoctoral researchers and fellows).
The STFC is an integral part of UKRI alongside the other six
Research Councils, Research England and Innovate UK and the STFC Executive
Chair is a core member of the UKRI senior leadership team. This facilitates the
closest possible collaboration across the whole breadth of the UK’s research
and innovation activity, allowing completely new integrated ways of working to
thrive. UKRI is led by Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser as CEO and overseen by an
influential independent Chair and Board. It is funded by UK taxpayers via the
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT). The successful
applicant will be accountable to the Board and CEO, work directly with
Ministers and will be selected by the Secretary of State for Science,
Innovation and Technology.