I am seeking to appoint an outstanding individual as the new Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) and Chair for the Commission for Local Administration in England (CLAE).
Through the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill the Government is transferring more power, autonomy and responsibility to local government. This makes it increasingly vital that local citizens have an effective right of redress where services do not meet the standards that the public rightly expect and deserve.
The LGSCO is the cornerstone of this redress framework, investigating complaints from members of the public regarding possible personal injustice arising from maladministration by local authorities and social care providers. In essence their job is to “put things right when they have gone wrong” for ordinary people.
The organisation conducts ~3500 detailed investigations a year, two thirds of which uphold the complaint and make recommendations to offer remedy. In many cases, recommendations are made for systemic change, making public services better for everyone.
Further information about the LGSCO, the role of the Ombudsman and the skills and qualities we are looking for is set out below. If you have further questions about any aspect of the role or the application process, please contact PublicAppointments@levellingup.gov.uk.
If you believe you have the experience and skills are we are seeking, I would like to encourage you to consider applying at this exciting and challenging time.
Lee Rowley MP
Parliamentary-Under Secretary of State for Local Government and Building Safety
The role is complex and challenging. It offers considerable scope and opportunity to shape a growing and dynamic service.
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman is a prominent figure, often dealing with controversial and sensitive issues in a high profile and politically charged environment. The successful candidate must command and retain the confidence of the public, local government and Parliament while delivering an effective and impartial redress service to the satisfaction of a range of stakeholders. They must be committed to the highest levels of conduct, integrity and objectivity, equality of opportunity, and the purpose and values of the Commission. The successful candidate must be adaptable, flexible and resilient, comfortable in a change culture with both mature and balanced judgement.
The successful candidate will take up the mantle of strategic, intellectual and cultural leadership for the LGSCO; ensuring high performance and service standards through organisational leadership and public accountability, providing personal authority and oversight over all jurisdictional matters relating to investigations, and promoting a confident vision and robust values appropriate for an open and accountable public body. They will also act as the principal ambassador for the LGSCO, promoting a positive reputation and authoritatively articulating the LGSCO’s policy position at the highest level of public and Parliamentary scrutiny.
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) is charged by Parliament with the investigation of complaints from members of the public who have suffered personal injustice arising from maladministration by local authorities and adult social care providers. The service is free, independent and impartial, and delivers both personal redress for members of the public and recommendations for improvements to public services. The LGSCO also has an important role in providing advice and guidance on good administrative practice.
The founding legislation created the Commission for Local Administration in England (CLAE) as the host body for the LGSCO scheme and provided that the Secretary of State should designate a Local Commissioner as the Chair of the Commission. The Chair is more commonly known as the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. The Commission consists of the Chair, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman as an ex-officio member, and three (temporarily four) advisory members. Appointments to the office of Local Commissioner are made by His Majesty the King on the recommendation of the Secretary of State.
Further information on the work of the LGSCO and CLAE can be found at:
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